The Modern Paradox: Why are people not getting happier as quality of life increases?

George Mack

The Modern Paradox: Why are people not getting happier as quality of life increases?

Some thoughts on envy:

1. Happiness = Quality of life - Envy

2. "A rich man is anyone who earns more than his wife's sister's husband"

3. Russian proverb:

Farmer finds a magic lamp.

He rubs it and a genie appears who promises him one wish.

The farmer thinks for a moment and says:

"My neighbour has a cow. I don't have a cow. I wish my neighbours cow dies"

4. 21 year old males contrast dial used to be the most popular guy they've met.

The contrast dial is now the apex meme online: 18 year old "crypto dropshipping millionaire" on TikTok that is driving a rented Lamborghini through Miami

5. 21 year old girls contrast dial used to be the most popular girl they've met.

The contrast dial is now the apex meme online: 21 year old Instagram model with 10 million followers, and a sprinkle of 0.1% genetics, plastic surgery and augmented reality filters.

6. The bragging razor:

If someone brags about their success or happiness, assume it’s half what they claim.

If someone downplays their success or happiness, assume it’s double what they claim.The map is not the terrain.

7. One of the most underrated skills in 2024: Strategic ignorance. Mute everyone online who doesn't do at least one of the following:

• Teach you something new
• Make you laugh
• Want to see them in the next 6 months

Envy will begin to also massively decrease.

8. If you see people having incredible experiences on Instagram -- it's easy to get envious.

If you see people having incredible experiences whilst on their phone updating their Instagram -- you feel sorry for them.

Zoom out and remember how the sausage is made.

9. If envy makes you improve yourself and not resent the other person -- it's not envy, it's inspiration. Do not confuse the two.

10. Envy is a negative sum game where the envious holds a burning rock in their hand until they can no longer take it anymore -- and throws the rock through the window of the people they envy. Everyone involved loses.

11. If you flash your riches online for the world to see - you rarely attract the people that matter. Instead, you attract armed criminals, gold diggers and people that want to see you fail.

12. "Envy is a really stupid sin because it’s the only one you could never possibly have any fun at. There’s a lot of pain and no fun." - Munger

Table of contents

The Modern Paradox: Why are people not getting happier as quality of life increases?

Some thoughts on envy:

1. Happiness = Quality of life - Envy

2. "A rich man is anyone who earns more than his wife's sister's husband"

3. Russian proverb:

Farmer finds a magic lamp.

He rubs it and a genie appears who promises him one wish.

The farmer thinks for a moment and says:

"My neighbour has a cow. I don't have a cow. I wish my neighbours cow dies"

4. 21 year old males contrast dial used to be the most popular guy they've met.

The contrast dial is now the apex meme online: 18 year old "crypto dropshipping millionaire" on TikTok that is driving a rented Lamborghini through Miami

5. 21 year old girls contrast dial used to be the most popular girl they've met.

The contrast dial is now the apex meme online: 21 year old Instagram model with 10 million followers, and a sprinkle of 0.1% genetics, plastic surgery and augmented reality filters.

6. The bragging razor:

If someone brags about their success or happiness, assume it’s half what they claim.

If someone downplays their success or happiness, assume it’s double what they claim.The map is not the terrain.

7. One of the most underrated skills in 2024: Strategic ignorance. Mute everyone online who doesn't do at least one of the following:

• Teach you something new
• Make you laugh
• Want to see them in the next 6 months

Envy will begin to also massively decrease.

8. If you see people having incredible experiences on Instagram -- it's easy to get envious.

If you see people having incredible experiences whilst on their phone updating their Instagram -- you feel sorry for them.

Zoom out and remember how the sausage is made.

9. If envy makes you improve yourself and not resent the other person -- it's not envy, it's inspiration. Do not confuse the two.

10. Envy is a negative sum game where the envious holds a burning rock in their hand until they can no longer take it anymore -- and throws the rock through the window of the people they envy. Everyone involved loses.

11. If you flash your riches online for the world to see - you rarely attract the people that matter. Instead, you attract armed criminals, gold diggers and people that want to see you fail.

12. "Envy is a really stupid sin because it’s the only one you could never possibly have any fun at. There’s a lot of pain and no fun." - Munger

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